Clear Mask

Clear Hair Mask on Frizzy Hair
Clear Hair Mask

Clear Hair Mask on Frizzy Bleach Out


Clear Hair Mask on Frizzy Bleach Out


Applying Clear Hair Mask on Naturally Frizzy Bleach Out

The FCK BAD HAIR mask was created for dry, damaged hair, something that is inevitable with bleached hair. This can be used as a weekly treatment or as a substitute for conditioner. When hair is lifted more than 6 levels it needs all the moisture and oils to keep the cuticle smooth. The client’s hair is naturally frizzy and air dries coarse. We shampooed and applied the mask on for 5 minutes. Rinsed thoroughly then blow dried straight with a paddle brush. Curled with a 1 ½” curler and alternating in the back sections.

Make sure to rinse the mask completely before blow drying.

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